Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Monsters Inc: Mike Wazowski Plush

For my birthday back in May, the family of some of our best friends hooked me up with this fun, medium size Mike Wazowski plush! They know I run this blog and that I'm a huge Pixar fan. When they saw this randomly at the grocery store, they decided they couldn't pass it up. A huge thanks to them for this very thoughtful surprise!

There really isn't much info on this guy at all. It doesn't have any details on who made or how much it cost. The exact size is unknown but it's pretty big. For a size comparison, I added the picture below with a standard size Vinylmation. The material is great (real soft) and seems to be pretty well made.The likeness to Mike is also great, don't have too many complaints here!

I wish I could get you more info on where you can pick this up if you're interested, but this plush is pretty mysterious. I couldn't even find an image of it online. However, there are plenty of other fantastic Mike plushes out there, from both Monsters Inc. and Monsters University, that you can find on eBay using the link below: