Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Up: Disney Store Figure Playset (Figurine Set)

Here we have the 2009 Disney Store exclusive Up Figurine Set, or also called the Up Figure Playset as seen on the European package.

This set is without a doubt one of my most prized items in my collection! My parents just got me this for my birthday, and boy was I excited. I have to give a HUGE thanks to them.

Ever since I missed this with its initial release at the Disney Store back in 2009, I have been desperately trying to track it down on eBay or any other site possible— with no luck. When this set sold out originally (and it sold out fast when it was first available), it instantly became extremely rare and sought after. For almost five years now, it has been sold out on every website I could find it on with very limited eBay listings showing up over the years as well. When eBay listings have occasionally popped up, it has sold for $200-$500 (in the package) and $100-$200 loose. The only one on eBay currently is over $500, phew!

Back in February, this loose set appeared on eBay for very reasonable price. I told my mom about it and let her decide if she would get it or not for a birthday present. I thought about it for months, whether she purchased it or not and, needless to say, she did! I was beyond thrilled to open the box to and find them all individually wrapped and tied with bows (seen below). That's my mom's birthday magic for you!  
Like mentioned above there was a US version released and a European version released. Besides the set's name on the box, there was another big difference between the two. The US release did NOT include Charles Muntz. I'm so happy that I got the UK version that includes him! The set would not feel complete without the villain of the film. You can see a packaged photos of the US version here and the UK version here.

This set is incredibly well made and is made of sturdy PVC plastic (like the other Disney Store figure sets). The figures are very detailed and are pretty large (comparatively to the other DS sets), as well. The tallest, being Kevin, stands at about 13cm.

You can see a size comparison with my hand below. 

Alrighty, lets get to seeing some detailed shots of these figures! 
Carl Fredricksen:




 Charles Muntz:




This is by far the best Disney Store PVC figurine set they have made (in my opinion) and I'm really surprised they haven't ever re-released it. I really hope they do though, so that more people can enjoy this great set. There is such a limited number of Up merchandise out there in general, especially toys, that any new products would be most welcomed.  

If you're hoping to find this, I sincerely wish you good luck on the hunt! Check eBay every day and follow the search "Pixar up figures" and eventually you'll see another one pop up. 

Thanks so much for stopping by the blog and be sure to check back daily for more!