Last night UPS came with an anticipated package from the Disney first three blind box Vinylmations from the Pixar Series 2! It's always a super exciting time opening "blind box" Vinylmations, as you have no idea who you're gonna get.
And here they are! I got Emile from Ratatouille, my personal favorite (one of the ones I was really hoping for) Dory from Finding Nemo and Dot from A Bug's Life. The remaining four can be seen on the box above and then of course the last one is always the "mystery chaser", which this time is the Witch from Brave. Hoping to get that one for sure! There is also a Mrs. Incredible variant which is her in her retro "Elastigirl" suite (which is even more hard to find then the chaser).
Love the little detail of Marlin on the back of Dory:
Each Vinylmation in this Pixar series 2 has a companion (for lack of a better word) in Pixar series 1:
Series 2////Series1
The Witch--King Fergus
Mrs. Incredible--Mr. Incredible
Mr. Pricklepants--Chuckles
And of course a huge thanks to my parents for sending these over for a little Thanksgiving present since I'm Thankful for Pixar (that was my excuse to connect these to Thanksgiving)!
UPDATE 1/07/14-
YES! I was able to tracked down the chaser in this collection...the Witch from Brave! Very cool choice, yet unexpected choice for the chaser character. It has a great design and great detail, as always! It will look great with the other Vinylmations from Brave-Merida, the triplets and Fergus.
For Christmas I was lucky enough to have gotten the whole rest of this series from my parents so stay tuned for more updates soon!
UPDATE 1/23/14-
Here is Alpha from Up! Another Christmas surprise...this one came from a good friend Brian Hughes, so I have to give him a big thanks for sending this over to me! This one goes great with the Dug Vinylmation from Series 1 and has a similar style.
Alpha, I think, is one of the most hilarious parts about Up...his personality combined with the high voice from the broken collar gets me every time. This is a very welcome addition to the collection.
UPDATE 1/27/14-
For Christmas from my parents I was surprised with a whole bunch of unexpected of them was the Boo and Little Mikey 2-pack! I believe this is the first 3" blind box Vinylmation to include a second one within the box.
Boo here goes great with Mike from the first Pixar Series and I can't wait to see if more Vinylmations get made from Monsters Inc. Could a Pixar Series 3 be in development? I would love to see Monsters Inc. get its own series of 8 or 12 actually! The characters that would make my list if a Monsters Inc. Series was made would be Mike and Sulley with MI hard hats, Roz, the Yeti, Randall, Fungus, Celia, Needleman, Smitty, George Sanderson, Waternoose and Boo in her monster costume as the chaser. What are your thoughts? Who would you like to see made? Leave a comment below!
Little Mikey here was a great idea on their part. I love it! Mikey is considered a "Vinylmation Jr." as seen on the bottom of him in the picture below:
Thanks once again for stopping by and exploring my collection. Be sure to check back daily for more and stay tuned for many updates to come!
UPDATE: 2/02/14-
Happy Groundhog Day and Super Bowl Sunday! Here we have the Mrs. Incredible Vinylmation with its clever design. Some people don't like it, but I think she looks great paired with Mr. Incredible from Series 1 (see my Instagram account)!
Of course, as you may know, there is another Mrs. Incredible in the series as well...the elusive and rare "Elastigirl" variant (wearing the costume from the movie's opening). For those of you who aren't familiar, the "variant" is not the chaser but even more hard to find and is a variation on a character from the main series. It is unknown exactly how many of these "variants" are made, but what we do know is...not many. Some people have been lucky enough to find the Elastigirl one (seen here) but I'm not one of them. If you've been lucky enough to get it, let me know in the comments below! I love hearing Vinylmation success stories.
UPDATE: 2/09/14-
And here it is...the last character I needed to complete my Pixar Series 2 Vinylmation collection...Mr. Pricklepants! This may be my favorite one in this series; I just love the design of this guy. I'm a big fan of how they incorporated his quills on his head/back (it's actually a softer, rubbery material rather than the harder vinyl) and his German hat off to the side of the ear.
He also, of course, goes fantastic with the Toy Story Series 1 Vinylmation and Chuckles the clown from the Pixar Series 1.
I'm REALLY excited for the second Toy Story Series this year and continue to speculate who might be included in the line-up.
For more talk and speculation on who YOU would hope to see in the Toy Story Series 2, visit the Pixar Post Forum and join the discussion.
Again, a BIG thanks for this amazing Christmas surprise from my parents. I was not expecting them to get the rest of this series for me!